here are complete myspace codes:
here are complete myspace codes:
I made a layout website and really need a page like this: especially for HTML.I am working on comment boxes and need to see the actual code but %26lt;textarea%26gt;%26lt;/textarea%26gt; doesnt work.PLZ!PLZ!PLZ HELP!
I've heard terrible things about whateverlife - you should probably avoid it, and use this instead.
I put a comment box on my profile and it doesnt show up on the actual page. I have a bunch of codes hiding different elements so that might have something to do with it. Does anybody know where on the profile the comment box should go?
you can really put it anywhere, but i suggest somewhere near the bottom so it can be easily found. you may have either deleted too much or have not copied the whole code. try it again, without deleting anything first, then if there are things that you'd like to hide or get rid of, go back and only delete those parts - make sure you're careful of what you're deleting! one letter more could mess up the whole thing!
on myspace i have tons of comments but i dont know how to hid them and then put one of those comment boxes ? help please ? thankss
Go to this website and place in the codes and then go to or and you can find a comment box there
%26lt;a href="" style="position:absolute; top:30px; right:5px; width:95px; height:250px; width:200px;"%26gt;%26lt;div align="right"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0"%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;style%26gt;.friendscomm... {display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;a href="" style="position:absolute; top:30px; right:5px; width:95px; height:250px; width:200px;"%26gt;%26lt;div align="right"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0"%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
I wouldnt recommend what the last person said
that code has too much junk on it
I would recommend going to a site to find a hide comments link first (you may have to adjust it)
And then go to and find a comment box. I like theirs the most.
If you need more help , I am here
All the websites keep asking for a friend i.d! SO PLEASE HELP ME!!!
This site has a screen shot that basically shows your where your FriendID is located:
go to view my profile and look in the address bar, it is the number after id. Sorry messed up the first one.
the friend i d code can be found in the url... if you go to your page and look at your url.. it days friendid=898998%26lt;--thats is your friends id!
when you are looking at your myspace page look at the web address box and youll see a piece that says friend id and then you just copy the numbers right after it
Jus go to ur frnds profile n check da url after ur frnd's name
click "home" while you are logged in, and find where it says "View : Profile" DONT CLICK IT! Just hover over it, so it turns red. keep it there, and look at the bottom of the window, at the very end of that adress, it should say something like friendid=********* (* = some random number)
look at this (the numbers in the red box is the friend ID)
go to your homepage on myspace where you can edit your page
and click on view profile
when your page loads the url (in the adress bar) look for the end of it where it says friend I.D.
thats ur friend i.d.
Here you go:
%26lt;div style="height: 200px; width: 150px; overflow: auto"%26gt;
%26lt;input name="friendID" value="PUTYOURFRIENDIDHERE" type="hidden"%26gt;
%26lt;textarea name="f_comments"%26gt;
%26lt;input type="submit" value="ok" /%26gt;
as far as i know it can't be done...
how do you hide yor myspace friends and get a comment box
I invite all of my MySpace friends over to the house for a big party. Then I tell them it is in the basement. Once I get them all down there I lock the door and nail it shut from the outside. That will hide them!! Nobody goes down there for months on end. As for the comment box, you can just ask the sherriffs for one when they come out to investigate where your MySpace friends disappeared to.
Here is how to hide your friends:Want to leave your comments up, but just don't want to deal with the drama of choosing the order of your Top friends? There's a code for hiding your friends list only.
In your About Me section enter:
style type="text/css"%26gt;
td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, td.text td.text table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;}
td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent;}
td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}
td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;}
td.text td.text table table br {display:inline;}
To get a comment box, go to this website and follow the directions:
Well, I usually just go on and click on layouts and graphics, and from there you can get a comment box, and they have a page with the codes to hide stuff.
Hide comment
Comment box
To hide your friends:
To add a basic comment box:
put this code in your "about me" section
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, .rid br, td.text td.text table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;}
td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}
td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent!important}
td.text td.text table td {font-size:0}
td.text td.text {height:0}
td.text td.text table b, td.text td.text table table td {font-size:8pt}
td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;}
td.text td.text table table br {display:inline;}
%26lt;div style="position:absolute;top:20px;right:... %26lt;a href=" codes%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;%26lt;/style%26gt;
and for your comment boxes, go here-
pick one that you like, copy the code, and paste it in your 'edit profile' section...don't forget to put your friend id where it says "put your friend id here!"
my comment box says invalid friend id when my friends try to cmment me. and so i know where it says XXX or something like that put in your friend idea. but i dont know where to find my friend idea? please help
your friend id can be seen when you view your profile, pictures, and own comments. its after whatever sayd friendid= in the site address
view your profile. its the numbers at the end of the url.
I just joined MySpace, got some first comments but they are in reverse date order?
How can i have them displayed in chronological order, that is most recent on top... Thanx!
You probably had the box checked that says you request to approve the comments before they are displayed on your page, right?
When you did that, you approved them in reverse order(newest to oldest) because that is the way they were in your inbox.
Unfortunately, you cannot change the order of the comments now. Just, in the future, approve the oldest ones first, and then you will have them in order.
Good Luck!
Well on my myspace, I'll put a comment box on there and I'll go look and It will make my friends and comments disappear. I had one comment box a while ago but I accidentally deleted it. how do I fix this? any place I can go to get a comment box that wont cut my profile off?
the layouts sometimes get rid of that stuff.
this comment box is good and doesnt make anything dissapear..
something is wrong with the html code you entered, you should probably just look for a new one, it will be easier then editing the code themselves
just clear your whole layout. its usually the layout thats doing that, because its either messed up or..messed up. clear the layout, and then find a layout that goes with the comment box. if it doesn't, contact tom!
I used to have one and now I forget the name of it.....if you go to my myspace page and click on my friend JerimiahChristopher's page, he has one (I think he still does) can get one from there...sorry I don't know the name. I took mine off a while ago. Hope this helps :) :) :)
SNAPVINE is the best, i think. if you want it free
Please help me:)
upload your picture to someplace like Photobucket, copy and paste the url of the picture you want into the spot where it has like ...background="blahblahblah.jpg....
Yes, it is possible, here is tutorial how to do so:
You will need to upload first your image, and then to use image url, and enter it in image url. Next step is just to copy code that you will get to your myspace profile.
Off course if you want to have link buttons on image, you will need to edit your image to add those links(actually it is plain texts).
If they have their own comment box i can leave them a comment. What i mean by that is if they they a code in for a special comment box not a myspace comment box. Then i can leave a comment. Other then that i cant leave comments but i can recive them. oh why oh why?!?!. If you know how plz help me out. Thanks Much!
Im not sure but mine was doing it to .I commented on my cousins and then I couldnt ..somehow his blocked mine he went in and it said it was blocked he un blocked it now we arent having any trouble anymore..he is not sure how it got blocked..hope this helps
I dont get it, if you cant leave a comment is either because u are not his/her friends or the id is invalid, sometimes when they have their own comment box and they dont set it up right it wont work ... everytime u leave a message it would say cant leave comment cuz your not friend or invalid ID. So maybe their comment box is set up worng. Send them a message to tell them. The way i find if my myspace is the problem i make a test myspace and check mine from there.
ok my last question got deleted so is there a way to blur ur myspace profile with and html. code? or something like that?
do you mean like blur images?
heres the code:
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; img { filter: none; } a:hover img {filter: blur(add=false, direction=135, strength=10);} %26lt;/style%26gt;
I want to get a comment box for myspace and i want to know how to get rid of the comments.
This code will remove your comments section:
*Combine the code above so that it is one code- for some reason it wont show the code when I post it on here*
Use this code to add a comment box to your profile page on MySpace. Be sure to insert your "friendID" where value="YOUR friendID GOES HERE", if you don't insert your "friendID" the comment box will not function correctly. You can find your "friendID" in the URL of your MySpace profile page located in the address bar. You can also adjust the size and colors of the comment box by changing the values for "cols", "rows", "border-color" and "background-color". You can also change the font by switching the value of "font-family".
Add the code below to your "About Me" section on MySpace:
%26lt;form method="post" action="
%26lt;input name="friendID" value="YOUR friendID GOES HERE" type="hidden"%26gt;
%26lt;textarea name="comments" cols="50" rows="15" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: 000000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 15px; color: 000000; background-color: transparent;" style="overflow:auto;"%26gt;
%26lt;input value="ADD COMMENT" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; color: 000000; background-color: transparent;" type="submit"%26gt;
%26lt;input value="CLEAR" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: 000000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; color: 000000; background-color: transparent;" type="reset"%26gt;
After you've copied the code above and after you've changed the value of "YOUR friendID GOES HERE", click Save All Changes, and that's it! Your MySpace comment box on your profile page is ready to go.
view all comments, then click delete on the one.
paste n who i'd like 2 meet section. it'll hide your comments
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;... %26lt;a style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0p... href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" style="position:fixed;left:0px;top:0px" border="0"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;a style="position:absolute;right:0px;top:0... href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" style="position:fixed;right:0px;top:0px" border="0"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
Click on "view all comments" check the boxes, or all of them, then at the bottom of your page, you can click on delete.
delete them when you look at them
Usually there's a delete button next to/on in the corner of the comment. ...but hellloooo Facebook's the thing now! :D hehe
log in, click the comment link under your picture and then go to the comment that you want to delete and click delete comment
you click on the comment and there is a delete option. You know for those innapropriate comments.
Profile | Pics | Videos | Blog
Comments | Friends | Groups
This is a picture of your edit screen, just press the comments button and you can edit comments.
just go to your mayspace page and then go to where it says Delete My Comment then click it and it will say are you sure you want to Delete this Comment then click yes
go 2 ur profile then go down 2 ur comments then click delete on that comment u dont want
閳?okay no offense or anything but why would you? but try google or yahoo and type in miley cyrus comment box
I'm just trying to upgrade my security on MySpace, so does anyone have codes that hides comments but leaves a comment box or something to leave a comment for you behind?
i know the website but not the code
try yahooing it or just try
your welcome lol
You should try it gives your page cool things that will amaze people and it will let you hide comments but let people comment on your page. I did it once, it was cool!
need one cuz the one i have rite now is not the business!!
i made my own at
you click on myspace comment box generator. you upload the image u want to use to photobucket and copy and paste the url where it says background image. and there are a lot of cool things you can do to your comment box :)
This one is perfect:
i dont know hahaha
im sick of comment boxes and those message me buttons.
i want like a custom link.
codes are apperciated.
:] thankyou.
There are many sites on these boxes. You should google it and find one you like.
They have some premade ones.
However, you can also make your own, like I did. Find or make an image you like, and just use it as the link. I made mine using paint, with some neat fonts I downloaded.
%26lt;a href=url of your comment or message page%26gt;%26lt;img src=url of the image to use as a link%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
I have NO idea where to look. Google has about given me viruses when i click on them.
you can MAKE your own cute comment boxes (if you know how)
just go to and on the left side of the screen click "Generators"
What's the code to this comment box?;s...
if that doesnt work;s...
Please help me?
The site that you created that comment box at should have the option somewhere on the page to make a code. You paste that code in whatever secton you want the box to appear in your Myspace profile's editor. There's no way for me to help you anymore than that because you didn't say which site you created this at.
umm add itto all about me section
%26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt; copy this code into about me,id like to meet,interests...wherever you want basically
-jake is my page if you wnat to look. i want it to come up underneath the comment box or firends...either way i don't care.
a) that's not a div layout
b) there is no comment box
c) the comments ARE showing up
so maybe you typed your url wrong? if so send me a message and i'll try to help you.
I don't think that you can delete the box I just think that you can just delete the comments that come in.
It is very simple. There are alot of website that have them made for you. An easy website to go to is or
try you can actually put codes on any of your pictures and movies as well as find pictures with codes with
I will vote DOWN an answer that just says "put it on photobucket and then post the URL . . . " I know that already; and the image doesn't have to be on photobucket, it can be a image that you already have among your albums. All I'm wanting is EXACTLY the language I need to enter into the comment box.
Someone please give this language to me and in place of where the Url address goes just say "URL Here", so I can just copy and paste that in, thanks!
%26lt;img src="url here"%26gt; there are many ways or u can also sign up for photobucket its free..then upload the pic and it gives u a code to post on myspace and all that comments bullitnes etc
%26lt;img src=""URL" OF PIC"%26gt;
you are welcome
The problem is that i don't want to put it in any of the sections. I just want to have it there alone on the layout and I don't know how to do that...if i need to use a div, how do you use it? Also, I have a skinny layout. Thank You!
Do you want it to be just floating there? I'm going to assume that you want the comment box within it's own box much like "About Me" or your friends space. It's quite complicated, but it can be done. You'll have to move a section down and place the comment box in that space. Use "margin-top:##px;" to move certain boxes down, for example, to move your blurbs down, use:
.blurbs {margin-top:##px}
## is the distance you wish you move that section down. You can use negative values to move them up. Then you can place the comment box code inside a div and position it exactly in that space where you moved whatever section down.
%26lt;div style="z-index:0; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:0px; height:0px;"%26gt; Comment box code here %26lt;/div%26gt;
"Top" is the distance from the very top of your window, "left" is the distance from the very left of your window. Width and height should correspond to your comment box size.
so ppl can still add comments but everyone cant see them
The following code will hide all your comments, but keep the text displaying how many comments you have and the Add Comment link.
Paste into your About Me section:
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
table.friendscomments table table {
display: none;
You can very easily create a Text box.
Or if you prefer the old link way I suggest you right click the "add comment" button and select "copy shortcut" and then put the link on your myspace for people to go directly to it :)
It would be like this I believe
%26lt;a href=ADDCOMMENTLINKGOESHERE"%26lt;Add Comment%26lt;/a%26gt;
Hope this helps!
Note:the words that got cut off are "Add Comment" that would be whatever text you want it to show as the Link like Add Comment or something of the sort.
the description says to put my friend id there but i have the slightest clue what that is.. please help me! lol
what u describe is stealing someones comment box from there page
friend id is the url
but just the last part of it ex.
bob is the friend id
your friend id is the numbers at the end of your myspace url.
the highlighted area at the end.
or use something like this site:
when somebody sends u a new comment, it will take you to the comment page
when some1 send u a message it will say new comment and only u can see it. its like when u get normal comments
Any sites, I tried so many none of the links work for ****.
Here you go:
Most comment boxes work. You just need to make sure you put your FRIEND ID where it says to. When you copy and paste the code, it should have somewhere in the code something that says PUTFRIENDIDHERE, and you'd paste in your friend id.
You can try for their comment boxes.[=
Yes has very pretty comment boxes. Make sure you put your friend ID where it says "YOUR FRIEND ID HERE" It will be in all have to skim through the code to see it...Erase that and put your friend ID.
this is sooo gay i cant find a comment box that works for my myspace helppp me
Click on link below.
they have a lot of cool things
This one seems to work for me. Remember you have to put in your friend ID. To find that you log into your myspace, view your profile. and in the search bar it's the numbers at the end of the url in the search bar.
I found some cool comment boxes; but I can't get on myspace
look on pimp my profile or a webiste like that....
google a search on myspace designs
normally you copy and type the html code on first line of " about me " in your profile...
ive looked up many things online, but nothing seems to work
the codes either give me viruses or look weird on my profile
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
td.text td.text td td a, .redlink, td.text td.text td b a {visibility:hidden!important;}
td.text td.text td a {visibility:visible;}
閳绢櫗ood luck閳?br>How do i hide my comments on myspace and make a comment box?
Use this to hide your comments:
%26lt;style%26gt;.friendsComments {display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt; has Comment Me Buttons you may like. They're working on comment boxes and should have them up soon. They also have tutorials that may help. No viruses. If you have a skinny profile or a DIV sometimes different codes make the profile look weird.
just google "code for myspace to hide comments" and it will take you to a website then put the code anywhere in your "about me" and then go to and there will be links on the left side and just go to comment boxes and they have cute ones then put that code anywhere in your "about me" and make sure that you put in your friend ID in the code...usually it is obvious when you look at the code like "PUT FRIEND ID HERE" and then you go to your page and look at the top where the link is and write down your URL number for example "" just put your number (URL number) where it says to put your Friend ID and that is your Friend ID
; there for comment box creater there for the comments hides
to hide your comments
%26lt;style%26gt;.friendsComments {display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt;
then go to
how do i hide my comment box and friend list on myspace so freidns taht when people view my profile they dont see who my friends are nad my comment box
to hide the comment box remove the code from your profile.
to hide friends and comments use this generator
I have dance videos on my myspace page that I would like visitors to be able to comment on. So far I have just found comment box generators, which I am pretty sure someone has to be my friend to be able to comment me. I would like visitors to be able to comment me w/o becoming my myspace friend.
There is no way of using a third-party site to host your comments, so you cannot really replicate your own system. They also filter the css tags you'd need, due to so much abuse, so what you're asking is just not possible.
If you want people to be able to comment your videos, you will have to host them on another site, who doesn't require membership for commenting, and then LINK to them from your Myspace profile.
Should you happen to change your mind about the comment box, I would recommend this manager for it.
The best place to learn layout coding on Myspace is from a myspace group, most of the other sites that get recommended have outdated codes that usually don't work.
Go here:
That's the best group to go to learn how to customize your Myspace page.
google hide myspace comments and go to comment box ..
go to a myspace html website but seriously you won't really be hiding your comments any dummy with any sort of knowledge of computers can just right click and hit view source. from there all they have to do is find your comment url.
To hide comments:
For a basic comment box:
go 2, check it out and pick me as yo best answer!
okay on myspace the layout i use doesnt show my comments, so obviously i got a comment box instead of a new layout.
to test the comment box i had my friend try to comment me. everytime anyone tries it says...'Invalid Friend ID. This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.' but i know i havn't cancelled my membership or deleted my accout, or had it be deleted.
what do i do to make it post me comments??
You must have entered the wrong ID, or you mixed some letters in with it.
Here's an illustration of Friend ID.
Either way, I recommend you simply delete the comment box code and go along with this one instead. It's much better.
you have to put the right firend id on it.
and on the right place.
mkay so you know how people have about me's on myspace in a scrollable box and then say like erase all of this and comment me? how do you do that? like have ur info in a box, then get rid of the writing and comment in it? HELP. i wuv you :D
go to
they have codes for scroll boxes.
then where in the code for the scroll box where it says 'text' put all of your info and then replace the freind ID for your comment box %26amp; all that.
This guy is great!
i dont want anyone to be able to click my view comments on myspace but still being able to use the Add comment link w/o using a seperate code for a special 'comments box'. does anyone know?
Check your privacy settings, they made them a lot better now so maybe that's one of the new features.
I don't know but maybe Edward C is right, check the settings, they changed them a lot!
use this code to get rid of your comments
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:0px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;...
and here is a link to the boxes
i hope this helps! : )
Its a big,plain comment box that's simple and yeaaaa..
I am looking EVERYWHERE for one!
Help me!:DD
you can use this
to make it look however you want
go to generators %26gt;comment box generator
follow the instructions and fill out what you need
if you dont know color codes like FFFFFF BCC440 and stuff like that, can help you with that
you can go to this site 2 make ur own:
or you can check out this site which has awesome pre-made comment boxes: if u want one a little more than just black and white
and if you want just a plain one then put this in yr about me...........
%26lt;form method="post" action="
%26lt;input name="friendID" value="YOURFRIENDIDHERE" type="hidden"%26gt;
%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" class="rofl"%26gt;love comments!%26lt;/textarea%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;
%26lt;input type="submit"class="pagakis" value="leave me a comment!"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;%26lt;a href=" style="position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; height:90px; width:222px;background-image:url(); background-repeat:no-repeat; z-index:9;" class="navb"%26gt;%26lt;center%26gt;comment boxes %26lt;BR%26gt;at!%26lt;/center%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;input.pagakis {color:BLACK!important;
font-size:9px !important;
width:190px !important;
overflow: hidden;
height:15px !important;
font-family:tahoma !important;
border-color:000000 !important;
border-width:1px !important;
border-style:solid !important;
letter-spacing:0px !important;
text-transform:lowercase !important;
line-height:9px !important;
font-weight:normal !important;}textarea.rofl{
background-posistion:center !important;
width:190px !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
height:45px !important;
line-height:12px !important;
font-size:9px !important;
text-transform:lowercase !important;
border-color:000000 !important;
border-style:solid !important;
border-width:1px !important;
and you have to put ur friend ID into the layout where it says YOURFRIENDIDHERE
but the real words are hi. and comment
if you like that layout this is the code:
%26lt;form method="post" action=" name="friendID" value="FRIEND ID HEREE ! NOT IN OTHER SPOT ! HERE ! " type="hidden"%26gt; %26lt;textarea name="f_comments" class="Skem9box"%26gt;hi.%26lt;/textarea%26gt;
%26lt;input type="submit" value="comment" class="Skem9sub"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
textarea.Skem9box {width:150px; height:60px;color:000000;font-size:11pt;... background-position:center center; background-repeat:repeat;border-color:00... border-style:solid; border-width:1px;}
input.Skem9sub {width:150px;color:000000;font-size:11pt... background-position:left center; background-repeat:repeat;border-color:00... border-style:solid; border-width:1px;}
%26lt;div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0p... href=" Lyts%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;
if you would like to make your own comment box,
there is these two sites that i have used before
where you can make the color and the words you want and border and everything
or theres this site:
and thats just simple and white and you can write the submit button.
hope i helped !(: its awesome
go to
then to the section where is says comment boxes.
they've got a plain one there
I tried putting a regular comment box code in the blog header but it didnt work :(
any help please??
Read the instructions in the "HELP" section, if that does not work do the chicken dance and then ask Elmo for help.
I have a code that hides the comments, but it also hides the link that says "view all my friends" and I don't want it to do that. I also have a comment box, but whenever my friends try to leave me comments it says that they need to add me as a friend before they can comment me.
To hide comments, put this at the bottom of your "I'd like to meet" section:
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;...
(That last part is %26lt;td%26gt; - it always cuts it off in Yahoo for some reason.)
I don't know what's wrong with your comment box without viewing your code. It could be one of several possibilities.
Like a comment box except its a word which is a link to the myspace comment page where people can leave a comment.
Like eg. the word is "comment" %26amp;%26amp; sum1 would click it %26amp;%26amp; it would lead to a page where u can leave a comment. If you know a site that can generator this i would be very happy if u would help .
Here's the first part of the code
%26lt;A HREF="**URL**"%26gt;**CLICKHERE***%26lt;/A%26gt;
Get rid of the **s
Change CLICKHERE to comment
Change URL:
When you sign in, under your default picture, it says
Profile | Pics | Videos | Blog
Comments | Friends | Groups
Click comments.
In the top right corner of the next page, it says Add Comment. Click it.
The next screen is a comment page.. [With the box and your display picture, etc.] Just like any other comment page.
Copy the stuff in the address bar and paste it to where it says "URL" up there^^
When you're done, just copy the finished code to wherever in your profile you want it.
Any questions, ask me.
I found a code to hide my comments but it didnt work, and I dont want any comments to show up, just a comment box. Please help!
To hide just your comments, put this code at the very end of your 'Who I'd Like To Meet' section:
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;...
you cant you just deleted them
put it on your note pad or on your diary
or you could just in your mind
I dunno how to hide comments, but there's a website for a comment box. Here : . There's a lot of other stuff thre too.
Here Is This Site And It Have What You Want I Hope The Code Work ..
i hid my friends and comments but i want a comment box so people can still leave me comments? anyone know the code?
go to or something and they have a bunch
go here
They have ALOT of them! lol
Make sure you put your FRIENDID where it says to put it.
That's the numbers in the address bar at the end of your address when you view your profile.. itll say something like friendid=3729382 (if u didnt know)
Hope i helped!閳?br>I need the code to ad a comment box on my myspace?
%26lt;div align="center"%26gt;%26lt;form method="post" action=" type="hidden" name="friendID" value="
"%26gt;%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" id="f_comments" style=" background-color:#000000!important; background-image: url(http://); background-position: top left; background-attachement: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; border-width:1px!important; border-color:#FFFFFF!important; border-style:outset!important; font-family:Verdana!important; font-size:9px!important; font-weight:bold; color:#0000FF!important; width:190px!important; height:70px!important; line-height:17px !important; "%26gt;DONT HATE ON DA KiiD YA DiiG%26lt;/textarea%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;input type="submit" value="Submit" style=" width:180px!important; height:20px!important; background-color:#0000FF!important; background-image: url(http://); background-position: top left; background-attachement: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; border-width:px!important; border-color:black!important; border-style:dotted!important; font-family:Verdana!important; font-size:9px!important; font-weight:bold; color:black!important; letter-spacing:3px !important; "%26gt;
idk so super sorry
: D
Does anybody now where I could get a code to put something like that on my page?
there's a site where you can make your own!
you have to know your friend ID though.
ask tom
what website can i get on for a comment box that hides the website?
plzz and thank you for your help
If you are talking about those links that say "come check out my site" and all that advert. garbage, just remove that part of the code. It'll look like %26lt;a href="link_here"%26gt;advertisement%26lt;/a%26gt;. sometimes there is an image there also. try removing the %26lt;img%26gt; tag if there is one.
just delete the links that are banners for the site you got it from and delete any text that says "click here for comment boxes" or whatever.
i worked really hard designing this comment box and i can't get it to work...theres like various messages that pop up when my friends try to leave me comments...any suggustions of how to fix my problem?
did u put ur friend id in?
if not ,
just goto ur profile and look in the adress bar and look for it
this is what u need
the numbers
and in the code for the comment box u put the numbers were it says friend id here or somehting
hope thats helps!
get a pre-made comment box. try
how do u get this on your MYSPACE?
its a comment thing ?
You have to go to
they have it on there..Try it.
umm i dont know sorry.
I recently deleted my comments on myspace to put in a comment box but since that wasnt working, i got them back but now nobody can leave me a comment. How do i get the "add comment" link back on my profile?
this code hides your comments
but leaves the add comment button in
.FriendsComments table table {display:none;}
.friendsComments td {height:0px;}
.FriendsComments td {background-color:transparent;...
.FriendsComments td td b a {display:inline;}
My myspace layout doesn't show friends and I want an add comment link without putting in a comment box. any codes?
just search for contact buttons on google
go to this website and their are many choices of the design of the buttons u want then copy the code and paste it where ever u like it and then copy your friend id number and pasgte it in the code wheere it say friend id here. f u dont understand what i said then just go to the website and it will tell u more on where to find the id:
This should work.
All you have to do is put your friend ID.
%26lt;a href= YOUR FRIEND ID HERE%26gt;Add Comment%26lt;/a%26gt;
i have a video on my space and i want to create little box underneath where people can leave comments, like on a forum, where you just type a name and your message and it shows up
try this...
you can embed it in your profile.. hope it works... =]
I'm trying to put the code for a comment box into a scroll box to share, but everytime I try the submit button always is underneath the scroll box. thanks!
when you write the code, put one space between EVRYTHING in the code. I kno what you mean I've had this situaton.
how do i take my comment box, friends box and details box off my myspace?! i cant figure it out.
Yeah just go to the myspace tweaks section on this following page and source and hide any of the contents that you would like to. if you dont like it just start playing with it and it will be fun so go for it .
there are codes that you can get off the layout pages that you have to add for stuff they usually always have html codes
use this website.
it's REALLY easy.
all you do is click the things you want to hide and it gives you the code.
hope this helps!!
and the sites listed on this site have codes dat hide shyt
I'm not sure that is possible but if it and someone knows that would be awesome. I keep hiding my friends and comments and i put a comment box and then someone goes to comment it and it says valid ID user
Go here for tweaks:]
you can use codes try this
.friendsComments {display:none;}
well it says invalid ID user because when you put your code into your "edit profile", you didn't put your ID number which can be found by clicking view profile and looking in the URL up top.
As for hiding comments but not the add comment button, first id like to say wouldn't that be weird looking? definetely not something i would chose. there are buttons you can find where you can click on them and it takes yodeu to message, add to friends, or comment. you don't have to have the comment box.
here's a site where they have the buttons i mentioned:
just scroll down and it gives you choices for add me, message me, block me, and comment me buttons.
i made my m/s in like sept and everything was working fine but 2 days agoo my comment box stopped saying add comment now it jus say view all comments ppl cant write me comments anymore cuz theres no link to click for it how do i fix thiss plss help
Go into your SPAM settings under your logon page.
Account Settings =%26gt; Spam
Good Luck!
1st Question: well I have a myspace but my media player (song player) is NOT working it doesnt apear on the profile and you dont hear anything. I keep on trying to add different songs to see if it is the osng that isn't working but it still ownt work. my comments and Top friends are hidden and I have a comment box.
2nd question about Myspace: how do I get pictures from my friends and go on photobucket or tinypic nad put them on there and then put them on my profile?!!!
well for the first question that happen to me one time so if u like u can go to this site and make a play-list and just like myspace add these song to your profile the site is: i go here when myspace song don't work for me!! and it will tell u what code to put on your myspace!!
And for the second question if u don't already have a photobucket account make one and to save your friends pics to your computer right click on the pic u like then scroll down to save..... And when u upload them to u get the URL code and put it any where on your page and there is the pic!!! hope it helps....
well for the second question you could just save your friends pictures to your computer and then upload it to photobucket or tinypic then it will provide you with the code.
then you just copy the code and then paste it to whatever section you want on your profile.
How can i make a link to comment me instead of having a comment box??
This should do it:
%26lt;a href="COMMENT URL"%26gt;Comment me%26lt;/a%26gt;
okay so i have a comment box,so i don't need the "add comment" at the bottem on the page,how do i get rid of it?
Try This. Put It In Your About Section When You Edit Your Profile. %26amp; If It Doesnt Work Message Me.
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
td.text td.text td td a,
.redlink, td.text td.text td b a {visibility:visible!important;...
td.text td.text td a {visibility:hidden;}
there are alot of layout profiles. go to one of them and they usually have codes. look for hiding codes then add comment.
i think obsession, static layouts, or twisted layouts have one just find one of those and they have a tone of layout sights!
hope you find what you're looking for!
delete your myspace profile. use bebo or facebook!
all this tinkering with HTML makes myspace a very unpleasant site to navigate!!
Umm you can't really get rid of it... Its there for people to add comments about you....
put this code in your about me section....................................
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;td.text td.text td td a, .redlink, td.text td.text td b a {visibility:visible!important;}td.text td.text td a {visibility:hidden;}%26lt;/style%26gt;
where can i find a generator or something that will change the comment box area
like this for example
ok, i own one of those myspace layout sites. and i dont know how to put it to where someone can copy the code and use it [for a comment box].......any ideas? %26lt;textarea%26gt;%26lt;/textarea%26gt; doesnt work......
[if yer bored add my site. =]]
You can see if you can get the codes from here. You can type in your web search bar and come up with more.
Hope these help
i have followed the instructions on the website...
that is the link to the actual layout i am trying to use.
go to my actual page to see the
the comment box isn't working right? my friend had the same problem with the same layout
the description says to put my friend id there but i have the slightest clue what that is.. please help me! lol
what u describe is stealing someones comment box from there page
friend id is the url
but just the last part of it ex.
bob is the friend id
your friend id is the numbers at the end of your myspace url.
the highlighted area at the end.
or use something like this site:
I have add and message buttons for myspace but where can i go for comment buttons?
not comment boxes but buttons?
Come here it has some codes for comment buttons
Please tell me any website with comment boxes without a friend ID needed or a way to make it work.
you cant have a comment box without a friend id because otherwise people can comment you
besides every1 has a friend id on myspace thats why you have to put it in
A friend of mine keeps asking for an autograph, and I really wanna make one to post for him! Any ideas?? Thanx!!
i thought autographs were your actual handwriting.
you write on a piece of paper, scan it (or take a picture of it), upload the picture, %26amp; post it as a comment.
Why is everyone asking stupid myspace questions?
how do i get rid of the comment box but keep some of the words.
like in the box named "general", i want it to say
add. message. comment.
go here.
they have a bunch to choose from.
When I'm not on myspace, I'm on Yahoo asking about myspace.
here is a quote i am just making up
monkeys pick at other monkeys hair, and humans pick their nose. hey at least the monkeys have dinner, only 1 in 100 humans can say that
haha that made no sense.
water bottles should be filled with glue.
televisions are just mirrors that reflect back our thoughts
A drop of knowledge is always greater than a sea of force.
Anyone who would sacrifice freedom for safety, deserves neither.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all there is to know on earth and all you need to know.
To master your enemy, you must first master yourself.
are you trying to comment others or are you trying to have something cool to say in your profile
1)united we stand...divided we fall 2)Rome wasn't built in a day 3)Humor is also a way of saying something serious.
go to ur home page.. click "veiw my profile" and then on the address bar it will say, ""your url here" it will say a whole bunch more stuff and then at the very end it will be a number like 10293847 u copy that and that is ur friend id.. it is always the same and no that isnt really the number.. i had the same problem.. just click on the thing where it has a little "?" mark and it usually tells u.
go to ur home page then click 'view my profile'
look at the link.
your friend id is the big number at the end
click on ur profile
then on the address thing ull find this
right after friendid=
is ur id
do i just copy and paste the link?
Most of YouTube's content is protected. You would be best to post the link. That's the easy way!
Hope this helps
link to the script to hide your friends:
link to the script to create a comment box:
simply put them both into your 'about me' section.
Check under settings for comments to see if you've disabled html for pictures. Also, ask whoever commented if they got the image hosted on a site such as If they just copied and pasted from google images or something, most likely, the picture won't come up.
Or maybe just try right-clicking it and selecting "show image".
Hopefully that helps
go to there are instructions on there plus a lot of comments to choose from. one of the best sites ive seen
it's an html code. First you need to upload the picture to the internet or find the location of the picture that you want to put in the comment. After you get the URL just paste it into this code:
%26lt;img src=IMAGE URL%26gt;
That's it.
good job!! i was wondering the same thing!! Report It
ok i have been trying this all i get is two dots Report It
buttons "add" and "clear" not working
%26lt;center%26gt;%26lt;font size="2"%26gt;%26lt;u%26gt;Comments%26lt;/u%26gt;%26lt;/font%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;styl... absolute; left:800px; top:110px; width:600px; height:448px; overflow: hidden;"%26gt;%26lt;form method="post" action=" name="143852938" value="143852938" type="hidden"%26gt;%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" cols="40" rows="4" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: dotted; border-color: 000000; font-family: trebuchet ms; font-size: 10px; color: 000000; background-color: FFFFFF;" style="overflow:auto;"%26gt;hMmm comment box isnt workin'%26lt;/textarea%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt; %26lt;input value="add comment" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: dotted; border-color: 000000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: 000000; background-color: FFFFFF;" type="submit"%26gt; %26lt;input value="clear" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: dotted; border-color: 000000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: 000000; background-color: FFFFFF;" type="reset"%26gt;%26lt;/form
Its best, when using CCS in myspace, if you run into trouble to just either recode the problem yourself or get a generator to fix it.
Go to generators and then 'comment box' will find easy-to-use instctions in making a new comment box. If this again does not work just google some myspace generators, there are hundreds about.
Also make sure your friend Id is correct. Aside from trying these suggestions Tom[myspace] will reply to an email asking about these such problems.
Hope that helps ben. =]
%26lt;img src="http://www.VARIABLE URL" width="515" height="320" border="0" alt=""%26gt;
Replace VARIABLE URL with the url of the image you want to display.
For example -
Replace width="VAR WIDTH" height="VAR HEIGHT閳?with the width and height of the image you want to display.
If you want to find out the properties of an image you find online somewhere, Right Click on the image and select properties. Look for the Address (URL) of the image and copy that string of text.
You can find the Width and Height of the image next to the 閳ユ窉imensions閳?Width is always displayed first, so if the 閳ユ窉imensions閳?read 90X120.. 90 is the Width and 120 is the Height.
Replace the variables in the 閳ユ竷ode閳?to reflect the URL, Width and Height and you are all set.
This will work for ANY image that you find on a web site because they all need to be 閳ユ笁osted閳?somewhere in order to be displayed online. As long as you copy the code correctly and replace the URL, Width and Height you can put any image in the comment boxes on my space..
ouch! tough Report It
Even though it means losing 3 points its better for Yahoo Answers to delete this question and repost it if you wish to than give the points to someone who does not answer it properly. If someone did answer it well, please choose them.
Where can I get the code?
go to
and theyll give you a code to hide your comment box=]
and yesss it will still let people view youre friends
yes i think but not sure
on the internet
Yes, just put this code in your "Who I'd like to Meet" section (at the bottom).
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;... id="scope" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0px... href="http://0106.0127.0311.0342/~%73%65... src=" border="0"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;
try to look through the options and stuff to find a way to get rid of the comment box, or you can delete comments whenever you get them
this site has a bunch of codes like that %26gt;
hope i helped
wonderin if anybody had a fun idea to put in mine..
mines say TwEeDlE La dUm....and where you press it says "i`d hit dat" haha
lotsa love
kiss kiss bang bang
let's go dancing
i love you {your name here]
you = sex
Those are my favorites
Go there
click on "codes" on the bottom of the page, find "make a comment box", and follow the instructions!
hope this helps!
merry christmas.
omg why have you posted the same question three times in one minute? You have to have comments on your myspace before you can have a comment box. comment boxes show all the comments made to your page and its hard to get it to the exact size you want it to be... try they might have soething that will resize it ..if you know how to use html
Now you wasted 25 points for this question.
what i do is i look through all my friends layout and click the link. Most sites like that have different types of comment boxes and then copy/paste
This is most likely the long way to do this but. I have a photobucket account where I upload all my pics. If you have an account with any one of those type of sites all you need is the HTML tag. You can get a photobucket account for free. Upload the pictures you like and copy the HTML tag. Then when you go to the comment section in myspace just paste it in. After you click submit you can see how it looks. This is the only way I know how to do it. I hope it helps.
Good luck
%26lt;img src="URL to picture here"%26gt;
Right click the picture and click Properties to get it's URL.
Try cut and paste.
best thing to do is send the pic to them in a email or threw messenger and then your friend can upload it has some cool ones! and tutorials.
i want to be able to change the size and everything.
hey i made mine on this site-and u can change the size and colour and have specky backgrounds n text n stuff. have fun :D
use this code
%26lt;img src="pictureurlhere"%26gt;
Take the direct link to an image (the URL to where the picture is) and you put [img] in front of it then [/img] behind it. EXAMPLE (take out the X) [img][...
%26lt;img src=""URL" TO IMAGE"%26gt;
just put the URL in the space provided
and the picture should show up
well first you have to download the picture to your computher then copy and paste it in the box.
[img]pictureurlgoeshere[/img] thast all =]]
or, if u wanna put a coded picture copy the code and paste it!!
when people leave long comments it stretchs the width of the pagem and messes everything up. how do i go about fixing that?
I hate to tell you but I am pretty sure that there is no way to control that other than asking people not to do that.
History of the United States of America
so im trying to get this comment hing for myspace its NOT a comment box but it just says comment me and you click it and it takes you to comment me. what is it and how do u get it?? come one that knows what im talking about please help me!
It's called a link, bahahaha.
Go to your comments page, and click "add comment"
take the code in the address bar on that page, and paste into a link code:
%26lt;a href="add comment link here"%26gt;click to comment%26lt;/a%26gt;
easy as pie.
that website works.
just follow the steps.
i agree with liana.
that sites hOT if yu want comment stuff...!
I recently deleted my comments on myspace to put in a comment box but since that wasnt working, i got them back but now nobody can leave me a comment. How do i get the "add comment" link back on my profile?
this code hides your comments
but leaves the add comment button in
.FriendsComments table table {display:none;}
.friendsComments td {height:0px;}
.FriendsComments td {background-color:transparent;...
.FriendsComments td td b a {display:inline;}
Just wondering, because some of my friends send me cool stuff, and I want the code to it. Instead of copying and pasting it to my blog and hafting to edit all that. and this way I won't get a lot of spam either lol :)
-click account settings
-click profile settings
-check all of the boxes in which you want to disable html
-click change settings
...voila!! :)
no problem! Report It
i have a contest site and i need a new layout really badly i aso need a new whore(s4s) code
so does anyone know really good sites??
Hey there,
I have had a good experience with there is TONS of graphics, layouts and everything there! I would definitly recomend this site to anyone and I hope you will let your friends know!
Everything on that site is free!
Hope that helps!
go to and look for font editior.I did that and it worked
here's the link for it:
It's all with the HTML. If you look through the code for the comment box and you see the name for the type of font that is used in it, delete it and pick a font that you would like in it.
will mark as best answer.. :)
Look in their coding. Or give us the link to their page and we'll find it for you.
Turn on Email so I can send it to you.
Or email me.
go to a site that offers a code stealer i good one i used is