The problem is that i don't want to put it in any of the sections. I just want to have it there alone on the layout and I don't know how to do that...if i need to use a div, how do you use it? Also, I have a skinny layout. Thank You!
How do you put a comment box on your Myspace layout?
Do you want it to be just floating there? I'm going to assume that you want the comment box within it's own box much like "About Me" or your friends space. It's quite complicated, but it can be done. You'll have to move a section down and place the comment box in that space. Use "margin-top:##px;" to move certain boxes down, for example, to move your blurbs down, use:
.blurbs {margin-top:##px}
## is the distance you wish you move that section down. You can use negative values to move them up. Then you can place the comment box code inside a div and position it exactly in that space where you moved whatever section down.
%26lt;div style="z-index:0; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:0px; height:0px;"%26gt; Comment box code here %26lt;/div%26gt;
"Top" is the distance from the very top of your window, "left" is the distance from the very left of your window. Width and height should correspond to your comment box size.
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