Friday, November 20, 2009

Myspace comment box help!!!!?

Here's my code for the comment box.

%26lt;form method="post" action=" name="friendID" value="245889340" type="hidden"%26gt; %26lt;textarea name="f_comments" class="Skem9box"%26gt;%26lt;/textarea%26gt;

%26lt;input type="submit" value="Comment!" class="Skem9sub"%26gt;%26lt;input type="reset" value="Reset!" class="Skem9sub"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

textarea.Skem9box {width:140px; height:40px;color:eeeeee;font-size:16pt; font-family: times new roman; background-color:80006A;border-color:800... border-style:solid;border-width:1px;text...

input.Skem9sub {width:70px; height:20px; color:990080;font-size:10pt;font-family: times new roman; font-weight:bold;background-color:eeeeee... border-width:1px;text-align:center;}%26lt;/st...

Everytime someone hits the comment button, it takes them to a "cannot open page" This is pissing me off, Please help me!!!

Myspace comment box help!!!!?

Well make sure for the second line where it says "action=http://blahblahblah" that it is giving the correct url. That part of the code is what controls where the user goes %26amp; where the comment is copied/submitted.

I would recommend doing the process over %26amp; copy/pasting the code again.

Myspace comment box help!!!!?

my best advice would be instead of trying to fix this one, I would just go to a site n make a whole new one! Its soo easy to make one that it would be better just doing it that way! Almost all myspace layout sites have it to where you can make one so pick anyone n make a new one!

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