Friday, November 20, 2009

MySpace comment box problem!!!!!!!!?

I got a kool new comment box but its blak. so is the text so u dont no what your typing. how would i change it here is the code anyway:

form method="post" action="

%26lt;input name="friendID" value="W" type="hidden"%26gt;

%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" class="hot-lyts22"%26gt;comment %26lt;/textarea%26gt;

%26lt;input type="submit"class="hot-lyts22" value="submit"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; {


background-color: !important;

width:180px !important;

height:45px !important;

font-family:century gothic !important;

color:000 !important;

line-height:9px !important;

font-size:10px !important;

border-color:000000 !important;

border-style:solid !important;

border-width:1px !important;

letter-spacing:0px !important;

font-weight:normal !important;

}{color:000 !important;


MySpace comment box problem!!!!!!!!?

where it says color [right under font]

erase the 000 and put FFFFFF

MySpace comment box problem!!!!!!!!?

i have a myspace its

but i dont have any idea sorry

MySpace comment box problem!!!!!!!!?

you have to change the area where it says color (right under font) I'm not sure what to change it to though. If no one else knows what to change it to, you could try messing around with it.

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